Sorry it has been so long. I went back to work and school so I have been a little busy. Baby Austin is doing really good. He is about 15lbs now and just a little porker. He still eats a ton and loves it. He loves his Daddy, but doesn't like to sleep. Although he is getting better at going to be at night. We can now put him in his crib and he won't scream bloody murder, he whines for a bit then goes to sleep. The other night he slept from 11:30 until 5. It was awesome to get that much sleep. He is starting to discover his hands, he will look at them while he is reaching out to get something and tries really hard to get things. He really likes to talk (babble), and smile. He is really good at it. There is a spot in our room that he stares at and smiles and talks all the time. We think it is the shadow of our lamp but we aren't too sure. Here are some pictures and I will try a video of him talking. On something unrealated to Austin. I got a hair cut. There is a pic of me and Austin where you can see it. I Really like it but I am getting it cut even shorter on Tuesday. I love having short hair it is really easy to do.