Today was crazy!!!
I went to work which was good, then kinda hung around the house till I had to go to school. It was pirate day at school today, that was fun. I dressed like a pirate but the sword got in the way of doing hair, so I just sported the skull bandana for the rest of the day. Oh I had a pirate hat too but that also got in the way
I did non stop hair today. I cut one of the girls hair and made it look pretty. then colored Brittanys hair so she could look awesome before she went home. I whipped it out pretty quick and it looked great when we were done. We just did some cute highlights.
My Mom and I bought her plane ticket today. She is flying out June 24th and will spend a couple of days in Utah depending on how everything goes with the baby. Then she will come up here and hang out with me until the baby comes. Then my Daddy is coming out the next week. I am so excited to see them both!!!
Its hard to think that I only have 5 weeks left until Austin is due. It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant. There is so much going on in the next month the time should just fly right by.
Well, my feet are fat cause I haven't sat since 5 today and I have to eat something cause I haven't done much of that either today. But, I thought I would get all my excitment out for the day!!!! I am so excited!!!!!